Geneva Yoga Festival
After 10 years of existence, numerous editions,both in person and online, from the heart of Pâquis to the town of Meyrin, it is time to turn the page.
The vision of the Geneva Yoga Festival was to offer different styles of yoga, present holistic wellness approaches, create a community, share strong experiences, open hearts, feel joy and celebrate life.
This vision has come true, and even beyond what one might have hoped for. In the meantime, other festivals and events have emerged, yoga has democratized, new yoga studios have been established. Yoga is now available all year round in all its forms. There is a plethora of possibilities to connect to yourself.
It's time to close a chapter, with a light heart, aware of all the events and offers available today in Geneva and the region.
The celebrations continue, and in the wake of the Geneva Yoga Festival, we invite you to participate in the Lyon yoga festival from July 10 to 11 at the Château de Montchat and the 3rd Healing Hearts festival which takes place from August 27 to 29 at the gardens of Mamajah.
We take this opportunity to warmly thank all the volunteers, technicians, participants, teachers, musicians, artisans, partners, sponsors, my family, who made this dream come true.
Gratitude to life and to all of you !!
Dani and the whole GYF team since 2010 :)))