Mika De Brito has been practicing yoga for over 18 years; he learned yoga with Baptiste Marceau; he spent a few years with an Indian swami and created a yoga school near the Champs-Elysées; he traveled all over the world to acquire his practice, from India, Nepal, Brazil, Mexico to the USA where he did the jivamukti teacher training with Sharon Gannon and David Life.
Mika has his own style inspired by all his masters, it is a vinyasa krama with music.
Mika is also a musician, he founded yoga lab, yoga in sound immersion.
He travels to share his teaching, every year he makes a retreat in Sri Lanka at the magnificent place of Ulpotha, and he does workshops in Montana (USA), Luxembourg, Switzerland, ...
He has released 3 music CDs for a French brand called "Nature & Découverte" (one with hang drums, one for practicing dynamic yoga, and one for meditation).
2 years ago he founded “tout ça pour ça” to share yoga, music and the yoga lifestyle; he organizes events called "bal des yogis": it is a party that begins with a yoga class that goes into dance with a concert / dj set, and ends with a meditation.